Biblical truth is absolute truth and offends postmodernists who reject absolutes. If scripture is not true then Christianity is a figment of man’s imagination. The claim that biblical truth is the only truth, since Jesus is the Truth, is non-negotiable and under heavy assault in Western Culture. This book is an uncompromising attempt to call the “Almost a Christian” to repentance as well as to expose error by referencing scripture as well as the works of the great reformers such as Augustine, Luther, and Calvin and modern biblical scholars. The book focuses on some of the basic issues that challenge “Almost Christians”. The biblical and prophetic call from Jeremiah remains: “To root out and pull down, to destroy and throw down, to build and plant.”( Jer 1:10) It is a call to return to Biblical Christianity. The book is meant to be stimulating and challenging and to be read slowly and thoughtfully.
The American Church is in decline, largely related to loosing foundational theology. We now preach a message of easy grace, and largely a message of no cost and no cross, as well as a message of unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness. The message of true repentance, sin. and holiness is rarely preached from the American pulpit. This has lead to humanism, situational ethics, determinism, gnosticism, postmodernism and a rush to spiritual experiences, seeking signs and wonders, prophetic messages, word of faith teaching, and subtly into the demonic.
The reader will be challenged by the “no holds barred” very biblical critique of the American church. This unapologetic teaching is bound to stimulate and challenge the reader and produce much discussion and thought and hopefully self-examination